Satin Lanyard

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Custom Satin Lanyard

Double face combination satin lanyard! featuring a distinctive high lustre finish these satin applique lanyards are a real crowd pleaser. The satin material is stitched and woven over premium polyester lanyards to ensure quality while then being fitted with a wide range of clips and fittings of your choice. Our process allows us to match pantone colors to both the polyester and satin material, then printed or woven with your logo into the satin.
These lanyards are a premium choice and are sure to “wow” anyone who sees them.

The look and feel of satin is luxurious and therefore it is an elegant choice for a business organization to make while choosing lanyards. This choice is made even more interesting because of the availability of satin applique lanyards that give you benefits such as:

  • A high quality product that will please everybody!
  • Color printing that makes these lanyards even more good looking.
  • The ability to print or weave your logo into the material.
  • A high luster finish that will make the lanyard and your business reputation stand apart in more ways than one.